What is an Alt Tags? Why it is important? How does it help Google Search? What more do you need to know about it for SEO?

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Alt Tags

Alt tags, also known as “alt attributes” or “alt descriptions,” are used in HTML to describe the appearance and function of an image on a webpage. Their primary function is to enhance the web accessibility by providing an alternative as a text for the people who are visually impaired. These people rely on screen readers to navigate on the internet. Hence an alt tag helps the visually impaired users. It also helps to understand the image when it is not accessible due to issues like slow internet connection or broken links. It displays a text which describes the image and therefore the context or purpose of the image is still conveyed to the user. Moreover alt tags have a crucial role in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) by making the search engines understand the context of the image. This can enhance the visibility of the website in the search results. When all tags are properly used the web content becomes more inclusive and search friendly.

What does an alt tag look like? Some Examples

Here are some alt tags that we are going to mention so that you get a clear understanding of how an alt tag looks when you embed it in an image.

Example 1: Humanoid picture with multiple features

While dealing with images that have multiple features compressed into a single image, one should carefully pick the important details and mention them one by one properly in as few words as possible.

Example 2: Animal picture with minimal features

At times you might find images with very few important details. In these cases, always understand the context and mention those details which are necessary. Avoid the distraction.

Understanding the syntax

It is important to understand the components that are used in order to imply an alt tag in HTML. The basic syntax for an alt tag in HTML is as follows:

<img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Description of the image”>

In place of image.jpg, add the path of your image and in the section of “Description of the image”,  add a meaningful description of the image. This description will be visible when the image is not loaded properly or our visually impaired user is interacting with it.

Evolution and Popularity

Since the early days of the web alt tags have been a part of HTML standards. They were implemented to guarantee that web content could be understood and navigated by all users irrespective of their disability. Alt tags became increasingly important for search engine optimization (SEO) as web accessibility gained popularity and search engines advanced. They started out as straightforward descriptions and have since developed into important components of search engine algorithms and web accessibility guidelines.

With their ability to connect visual content with its textual representation alt tags are essential to web design and development. They are essential for guaranteeing that users can comprehend and engage with web content regardless of their capacity to perceive images. Alt tags are essential for accessibility as well as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) since they greatly improve a website’s discoverability and functionality. Further highlighting their importance in preserving the user experience even in the absence of visible images is their usefulness as Alt text.

    • Links for Users with Visual Impairments: The foundation of web accessibility is alt tags. For people who are blind or visually impaired and use screen readers to access the internet, they offer descriptions of the images that the screen reader can further read out to them. An effective alt text can communicate the context and meaning of an image giving these users an experience that is similar to that of those who are able to view the images. 


    • Search Engine Image Indexing for SEO: Alt text is a tool used by search engines like Google to interpret an image’s content and its relationship to the surrounding text. Their ability to properly index images because of their understanding, increases the likelihood that they will show up in search results. Enhancing a website’s alt text with pertinent keywords can boost its search engine optimization and increase website traffic. 


  • Backup text when the image fails to load: In the event that an image fails to load the backup text is displayed. The alt text will appear in place of the image if it cannot load because of a broken connection or any other problem. This preserves the integrity of the web page content by guaranteeing that the user still understands what the image is meant to convey.

These points demonstrate how crucial alt tags are to building a resilient inclusive and searchable online space. 

How Alt Tags work

Images on websites can be replaced with text using alt tags. The alt tags text describes an image when it cannot be displayed or is accessed by screen reading software. This guarantees that the content of the image can be understood by all users irrespective of their level of visual ability. A website’s SEO performance may also be impacted by the use of alt tags which search engines use to index and comprehend photos. 

  • Interaction with Screen Readers: For visually impaired people using screen readers (software that helps them navigate the internet by speaking out the text on display), alt tags are meant to describe images. When a screen reader comes across an image, it reads aloud the alt text that corresponds with it so that the user can comprehend what the image shows. 
  • Impact on Website Loading Times and Performance: Since alt tags are just text, their effect on website loading times is minimal. On the other hand, they become extremely important when images don’t load. The browser will show the alt text in place of a blank space which can inform users about the missing content and keep the information flowing without hampering the page speed too much.  

Now we know how alt tags are used and work on websites to improve accessibility and user experience.

How does Alt Tag help Google Search?

Alt Tags make Google Search and other search engines more effective in many ways:

  • Improves Accessibility: Alt tags provide a textual description of images, thereby making it accessible to visually impaired users who rely on screen readers that read out the alt text so that they can understand what the image is about.

  • Enhances SEO: Images are invisible to search engines; instead, they comprehend the content of images through words only. These texts help search engines index and understand pictures by providing textual descriptions to them. As such, this can increase images search visibility leading to their higher rankings

  • Contextual Relevance: The purpose of alt tags is explaining an image’s place among other elements on a webpage. In addition, it gives clear description and correct information that can support the content and keywords used in different pages leading to increased relevance and ranking.

  • Fallback Content: An alternative text is displayed when an image cannot load. This allows users to have some idea of what the picture should show thus preserving accessibility on webpages.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Good alt texts not only improve user experience they also provide descriptions and explanations of images. This in turn can result in higher user engagement and even improved rankings since user experience is considered by search engine algorithms.

What more do you need to know about SEO?

Alt tags are an essential part of search engine optimization since they give search engines context for images. You can increase an image’s discoverability in search results by using pertinent keywords in the alt text. This makes the webpage more accessible and relevant to user queries which improves search engine optimization (SEO) and aids in search engines’ understanding and indexing the image content. 

  • Using keywords in the alt text: Enhancing alt text with pertinent keywords can dramatically increase an image’s exposure in search engine results. The image and the page’s content should both be considered when selecting keywords. 
  • Balancing the Needs of SEO with Descriptive Text: The main function of alt text is to describe the image even though keywords are crucial for SEO. The difficult part of creating alt text is keeping it brief and descriptive without stuffing it with too many keywords to satisfy SEO requirements and accessibility requirements. 
  • How Alt Text Helps Search Engines Interpret Images: Search engines interpret an image’s alt text as a clue about what’s inside. They can better index the image with the help of this information, increasing the likelihood that it will show up in image searches involving the keywords you entered. Additionally, alt text adds to the page’s overall context and relevance which can raise its search engine ranking.

Writing effective Alt Text with respect to SEO

For SEO and web accessibility, writing strong alt text is essential. The process involves writing in a clear and subtle language that precisely conveys the meaning and purpose of an image. An effective alt text should give background information, communicate the same idea as the image and contain pertinent keywords without being overdone. Maintaining discoverability for search engines while also being informative for users is the goal. 

  • Specific and descriptive words:  A good alt text should make it obvious what the image’s content and purpose are. Make sure your language is clear and concise so that the user knows exactly what the image is about. For example: instead of a ‘dog’ write ‘a golden retriever playing fetch in the park’. if you have a clear description, you will tend to retain more of an audience which also includes the visually impaired ones and also the ones with a less stable internet connection. 

  • Length Considerations and the Importance of Being Concise: Because both screen readers and search engines value the clarity and subtleness of the content, alt text should be brief. Try to keep alt text to no more than 125 characters. This duration is sufficient to communicate the image’s meaning without providing the user with too much information.

  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: Since screen readers already indicate that it’s an image or photo, don’t mention it in the alt text. Furthermore, avoid restating details that are already covered in the text that surrounds the image. Using too many keywords (also known as keyword stuffing) and giving ambiguous descriptions are common errors. Write alt text that enhances the user’s experience and goes well with the content instead.

By following these recommendations you can make sure that your alt text improves SEO and accessibility for your website while also being effective. Your website’s SEO performance and the accessibility of your images also improves. 

Legal and compliance aspects

Many accessibility laws mandate the use of alt tags in order to guarantee that digital content is usable by all users including those who have visual impairments. To ensure that all images on a website provide equal access to information, these laws require that all images have descriptive alt text. 

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): These guidelines offer suggestions for improving web content usability for individuals with disabilities. Adherence to these guidelines is frequently mandated by law for websites. 
  • Legal Requirements for Accessibility in Different Countries: Web accessibility is required by law in many nations. The law mandates that websites must be made accessible to individuals with disabilities.

Following these rules and laws guarantees legal compliance and improves the overall user experience for all visitors.

Advanced Use Cases

Optimizing alt tags for intricate images such as charts, diagrams, and infographics is one of the advanced use cases of alt tags. Under such circumstances, alt text ought to offer an overview of the information or content displayed by a more in-depth explanation located in another area of the page. This guarantees that the image content is accessible to all users irrespective of their abilities.

  • Alt Text for Complex Images: The alt text for charts and graphs should highlight the important information or patterns displayed. If there is too much information in the image to condense into a brief description, think about including a thorough description next to it or creating a link to a different page with all the information. 
  • Internationalization and Localization:  When translating alt text for various languages make sure it keeps its descriptive quality and connection to the image content. – 
  • Dynamic Images and Alt Text Generation: Automate alt text generation for websites that have dynamic content like e-commerce sites to guarantee that every image has a description. Templates or AI-powered tools that produce alt text based on picture recognition can be used to accomplish this. 

These cutting-edge techniques improve usability and accessibility for a wide range of dynamic and varied web content.

Tools and resources

Browser extensions, accessibility checkers and content management system (CMS) plugins are some of the resources and tools available for alt tags that help make sure alt text is present and formatted correctly. AI-powered image recognition services can also help with automatically creating descriptive alt text for images. 

  • Software and Plugins for Alt Text Generation: A number of plugins and software programs like the Automatic Alternative Text plugin for WordPress can produce alt text for images automatically with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. 
  • Testing Tools for Alt Text Effectiveness: The effectiveness of alt text can be tested by using accessibility evaluation tools such as WAVE or AXE which can identify images without alt text and verify that it is used correctly.
  • Resources for Further Learning: A wealth of information about alt text and web accessibility with best practices can be found on websites such as WebAIM and the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative. 

Accessible images for your website can be made sure of with the aid of these tools and resources.

Alt text in some popular apps


Instagram allows you to integrate alt texts in their app. It can be enabled or disabled while uploading or editing a post. Because of this, instagram became accessible to visually impaired people. Even if they can’t enjoy the videos they will still be able to enjoy the images.

MS Word

The introduction of alt text in ms word allowed all the people who are not able to see the image to get a context of what image is inserted. This integration allowed a lot of working officials to actually participate with the other colleagues. 

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What does “Alt” stand for in social media? Can people see my alt text?

A: The term alt alternative. In social media, the term alternative can refer to many meanings such as alternative accounts. These are created by users for many reasons like maintaining privacy. 

Yes, people who use screen readers for surfing the website or the people for whom the image fails to load can see your alt text.

Q2. What does an alt text tag mean?

A:  Alt text tags are used in HTML to provide a description of an image. This description is visible to those people who use screen readers or for whom the image fails to load. It bridges the gap between the people who cannot access the image and those who can by allowing them to understand the context of the image. It also helps in SEO.

Q3. What does an alt account mean by text?

A:  By text, an alt account means an alternative account which a person creates. The purpose for creating these accounts is in order to maintain privacy, anonymity and also some other personal reasons.

Q4. What is ALT full form? What is ALT for short?

A: The full form of “alt” is “alternative text”.

 “Alt” is short for “alternative”.

Q5. What is alt-text social media? What is the ALT in chat?

A: When we integrate all text into social media, it enables the person with visual impairment to enjoy the images just like us. Alt text in chat also refers to the description of an image that cannot be loaded due to reasons like visual impairment or internet issues. 

Q6. How to add alt text to images? What is alt text for images?

A: In order to add alt text to images we follow a syntax that can be understood by an example:

<img src=”image.jpg” alt=”Description of the image”>

In this syntax, “image.jpg” can be replaced by the path of your image, and “Description of the image” can be replaced with the alternative text that you want to add to your image.

Alt text is specifically used for images only. These texts are visible when the image fails to load or are read out loud by the screen readers which are often used by visually impaired people.

Q7. How to write alt text? Is alt text good?

Be specific and summarize the figure when composing alternative text. Picture description should be clear, and it must indicate how this picture relates to the content of the web page. Developments in search algorithms have made keyword stuffing obsolete; a good alt text should answer questions like “What is this image about” or “How does it relate to my subject?”

Yes, alt text is a good thing. It has a prime functionality to enable visually impaired people to enjoy the content of the image. Moreover, it acts as a backup for the people who have issues in loading the image properly. 


In summary, alt tags are very important for SEO and web accessibility. In addition to helping search engines comprehend and index content, they guarantee that images are accessible to users with visual impairments. Any website must employ alt text correctly since it improves user experience and is a crucial component of legal compliance. 

  • Introduction to Best Practices: Make sure each image has an alt tag that appropriately explains what it contains. For SEO use pertinent keywords but stay away from stuffing them into your content. Bear in mind the context of the image usage and write subtle alt text.
  • The Future of Alt Tags: As technology develops more advanced tools such as AI-driven ones should be available for creating and testing alt text. As web accessibility gains priority, alt tags will probably become more and more important. 

Both SEO performance and accessibility standards can be upheld by following these best practices and remaining up to date on new technological developments.

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