Submit a Search Engine or Directory

Please read the following before submitting your search engine or directory to FWS:


  1. Your search engine or directory should provide free web site submission.
  2. Your search engine or directory must perform effectively and appear professional.
  3. Your search engine or directory must have its own database. Google-powered search engines or directories, such as The Open Directory Project, will not be included.
  4. Your search engine or directory should be the primary emphasis of your website. We do not include hosting businesses who also have a web directory buried someplace on their website.
  5. While a link back to Free Web Submission Directory is not essential, it is greatly desired, and search engines or directories that include a decent link are given precedence.
  6. Finally, we do not include all submitted search engines or directories and make no forecasts or guarantees.

Email suggestions to: info[at]